Showing posts with the label JapannewsShow all
जापानको पर्यटन क्षेत्रको चहल पहल बढ्दो
जापान पठाइदिने भन्दैठग्ने पक्राउ
Half of unmarried people under 30 in Japan don't want kids
The Case study of Students in Japan
Lock down Japan from Wednesday
 टोकियोका गभर्नरले मानिसहरूलाई घरमै बस्न आग्रह गरे
Japanese Calendar in English
Train's separate coaches for women and children
The Nepal Airlines at Narita Airport, Japan
All schools in Japan told to close until April over virus outbreak
Customer is beaten in 7 Eleven Continence Store
Japan reports 3rd cruise ship passenger death; 57 more infected